Michael and Ruthie's adventure in Paris

First Day Out

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Wednesday January 14th

Two things immediately come to mind as I wake up at 3:30 am, our first morning in Paris. The first is what Betty Davis said about old age (it ain't for sissies) applies to travel as well. The second is I am a SISSY! I delight in the ordinary life I lead at home those daily routines, and as I look around at our breakfast table, we ate at 6:30 am, I see pretty much the table I saw in Berkeley. Our coffee, tea, toast and eggs (we haven't found oatmeal yet). Our first morning here in Paris, and what are we doing? Not outside seeking a little, cozy bistro munching on a croissant but inside doing our crosswords. The gentle dripping of the rain against our windows and the hum of the radiators in our apartment seem to confirm this decision. Ruth Anne and I agree we love to be in foreign places doing those familiar, beloved routines that we do at home! So why do we travel. I think for me - why I'm out here in the world, has to do with how I love to see the differences around me, the subtle ones, like the different light switches, door locks, sink basins and toilets, and the grand ones, the architecture, the language and the look of the people the assumed national normality. These differences subtle and large awaken me to the beauty of the ordinary, remind me of all of the ordinary things I assume. And as a photographer I see nothing but photo opportunities.

So we began the day as the rain abated with a walk around the hood. Watching the French with someone - morning, noon or night, with the ubiquitous baguette clutched under their arms. Ok that looks a little like Berkeley these days. In our neighborhood in the 20th we have a multicultural crowd like much of the Bay Area.

In our wanderings around the neighborhood we came across a market on Boulevard de Belleville a large street with a median between the two sides large enough to hold a large produce market with many stalls of fish, meat, bread and also clothing and assorted other goods. We bought vegetables, fruit and a tea strainer for Ruth Anne's morning cup-pa.

Walking along the street we saw some wonderful public Art and interesting local graffiti.

After a day of wandering we returned home and made ourselves a tasty dinner.


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